This is a different post that is not related to my quilting, but rather my faith and how I hope to grow through craft and study of the Bible. If you would like to know more then keep reading, however if you are not interested your welcome to wait on my next post. Thank you. Miss Mae.
I get really excited when I finished an entry and I get to stamp and make a tab in my Bible. I love completing a new entry, I really do. So far I have ten entries.
My supplies are bountiful - literally I have so much stuff I don't know what to do with. I did buy some things from the Illustrated Faith website, in particular their past subscription boxes. I really wanted certain stamps and inks because finding stamps that have to do with faith and the Bible are really hard to find in stores. It also came with some devotional booklets which are really helpful to take a guided path through a particular theme. I have used other stamps, as well as acrylic paint, watercolour paints, stickers, wash tape, dye cuts journaling cards, pens, pencils, and soft pastels. I like using pastels and watercolour the most, especially the way the colours blend together. I mark my pages with tabs and a date stamp, I also sometimes use paper clips to mark my pages. Adds a little more texture.
At the moment I found a really interesting website, The Bible Project, it provides resources such as videos, posters and Bible reading plans. They are a non for profit organisation, that works through donations. I am currently using their Bible reading program using their "Read Scripture" app. It is a real useful way to read the Bible with a particular purpose.
My entries so far don't really follow a theme, just what I have been reading in certain moments I needed encouragement with work, health, study. It has been good to have something to show for reading my Bible more regularly.
So the images are just a few of the entries, not all. I'm proud of what I have created.
Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks for reading.
Miss Mae.